Brand Backer

Sunday, June 21, 2015

This kit is a must have for hunters, fishermen and hikers. It is instrumental in ensuring you have the ultimate survival kit. The bracelet has a fire starter knife and the grenade is just great in its shape. When this arrived, I gave it to my husband as a Father’s day gift from the kids. He was impressed with the quality of the chord as well as the strength of the bracelet. He started to play bombing the kids. He would take the Grenade and throw it in the middle of the room and yell boom. At this time the kids would run away as fast as they can and when my husband yelled “boom” they would pretend that the grenade went off and play like they were hit and flop to the floor. After that was complete, they would rush to see who could grab it first and repeat the game. My husband has been wearing the bracelet ever since he received it and he takes it everywhere. We like to hike a lot and it is one less item that we have to carry in our hiking pack.

I am so grateful I was chosen to review this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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