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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Coosh blood pressure cuff

This Coosh Upper Arm Digital Blood Pressure monitor has been instrumental in our house to help monitor the medical conditions of my daughter. This is easy to use and easy to read (BIG LED Lettering/Numbering). Even if you are experienced like myself or completely clueless on how to use this, it will walk you through start to finish and give you the best most accurate reading that you can receive. I have noticed that this cuff is even better than the arm cuff reading that you would receive in a doctors office.

With my daughter having a rollercoaster of health issues, having this directly at the house as well as a pulse ox, it has made our trips to the hospital less frequent and we are able to know where she is at here at the house. We are able to ensure that we can take accurate readings and relay them to her doctor over the phone instead of scrambling to the hospital or doctors.

We have been using this for a couple weeks now and I can say that we are at ease nightly just by having this here.

I am so grateful I was chosen to review this product for my honest and unbiased opinion for free

Need one for yourself?

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